I followed the instructions in the readme file for the Avatar Mod 2.0. I got the very common Microsoft database engine error "could not find output table 'FORUM_AVATAR'. I get this error no matter which Access97 strConnString I use. I have also installed the Kinser MOD Setup file. My forums are version 3.3.03 and are running on Windows 2000/IIS 5.0. What else can I look for?
I thought the 105 Avatar Pack MOD was supposed to make the Avatars available to the users? If not, how do users view the additional Avatars so they can select from them? Does ANYBODY know anything about these MODs?
I wrote the Avatar MOD and know a lot about it. I have posted how to overcome the problems that you were having many, many, many times.
No one should be using the Access97 strConnStrings unless they can't use the Access 2000 strConnStrings. The Access97 strConnStrings are the root of most problems when installing a MOD.
The 105 Avatar Pack was written by Da_Stimulator, who does not frequent this forum very much anymore. I know nothing about it, and have never even downloaded it.