Lots of Topics = potentially lots of smiles Move smiles = Lots of topics = smiles = x
In other words all you smiles in older topics would now be little red 'x'
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red>http://www.cfm-resources.com/s/stimmy/</font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> http://www.tek-tips.com - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
*laugh* I get the idea.. but unlike the signatures, the code isnt put inside the message itself so there are no broken links.. if you reset the path in the page itself to add images/ then wouldnt that also change the path for the smiles thus avoiding the red X of death?
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red>http://www.cfm-resources.com/s/stimmy/</font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> http://www.tek-tips.com - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.
Oh well, a guy can dream I guess. hehe.. i just hate all the files being bunched together in one directory.. looks very sloppy and its a *** to find anything.
I separate them into directories on my home computer, so its easier to find and update files.
Like all the inc_'s I have in an 'inc' directory, all the mods are in a separate directory... however I left the images there cuz I dont edit them much :P
When I start a new mod its in a diff directory, and usually I'll try to make it as separate from snitz code as I can, so its compatible with more versions - I've only written a couple mods, but I plan on writing more :)
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red>http://www.cfm-resources.com/s/stimmy/</font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> http://www.tek-tips.com - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk.