I have installed aspSmartUpload - http://www.aspsmart.com - on my PWS NT.4.0 - followed the instuctions very carefully - but when I try out the sampleforms that follows with the download nothing really happens - I´m told that my uploads was succesfull - but nothing in the folder. The HTML-form looks like this:
after subitting the form I get the message that everything went fine by the ASP-document that the form called:
<H1>aspSmartUpload : Sample 1</H1> <HR>
<% ' Variables ' ********* Dim mySmartUpload Dim intCount
' Object creation ' *************** Set mySmartUpload = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")
' Upload ' ****** mySmartUpload.Upload
' Save the files with their original names in a virtual path of the web server ' **************************************************************************** intCount = mySmartUpload.Save("/aspSmartUpload/Upload") ' sample with a physical path 'intCount = mySmartUpload.Save("c:\temp\")
' Display the number of files uploaded ' ************************************ Response.Write(intCount & " file(s) uploaded.") %> </BODY> </HTML>
I have checked if I did install the dll files right - and I did - a servercheck script indicates that aspSmartUpload is installed at the server. I have also tryed to change the virtual dir into a physsical - no changes. Are there anybody here that have experienced how to setup this component and the forms/scripts to use the upload feature ?
If either level of that doesnt already exist you'll need to create it first then try again. I've used aspSmartUpload for quite a while on 2kServer but never PWS though sorry.
Yes I´m refreshing that dir for hours - I also tryed to upload a file that I know is uniqe by name, just to check where it ended up - and tryed to do a search for the file at the computer after the upload - but it still was uniqe, so the upload never really happend