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Junior Member
191 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 05:45:23
I've read many of the posts in here and I guess it would be a good idea, from the great people who did the modz, and all the guy that spent time dubbigging them, to create a thread or maybe a whole new forum for posting the WORKING FINAL versions of the modz. Often it's really hard to get through the jungle of posts and retrieve the right fixed version for your forum. So I guess it would be nice to have a place where to download the working modz (final) with realative Snitz version showing up in the download. It's just an idea... but I guess many peolple would be happy for this. So gurus...can u do sumthing?
<img src="" border=0> Distractly yours... |
Starting Member
48 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 06:33:26
Super idea. I am suggest to put here also info about mods which are or will be included in actual/new releases. Miro
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 08:14:15
As far as I know, no new mods will make it into the next couple of releases of the forum. The next release should be the non-beta version of 3.1SR3. After that, the focus will be on internationalization and CSS support. Once those are completed and in full release, THEN the new features can be added in.
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Retired Admin
5511 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 09:06:55
See also:
<b>Pierre Gorissen</b>
<font color=blue><font size=1>Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.</font id=blue></font id=size1> <font size=1><font color=black>Will Rogers</font id=size1></font id=black> |
Development Team Member
12217 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 11:58:12
Well, what about Manight's idea? It would be good if we could keep the current mods downloadable in one forum. The author of the mod can start the thread, posting a link where we can download it, and anytime he/she updates the mod, they can post another message about the update and the date they updated it. And all discussions stay within the DEV forums for that mod.
<center><font color=green>*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----* <font size=2>"However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."</font id=size2> 1 Peter 4:16</font id=green></center> |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 13:07:45
That's basically what we already have with this forum. It is to let people post their changes, then people can help them work out the bugs. Most times the people who start the post try to keep their zip files/instructions up-to-date.
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Forum Admin
United Kingdom
20587 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 13:33:24
We also try to post them in only one of the messages, updating the links as and when necesary, admittedly, it can sometimes look a bit daunting if there has been a lot of tweeking and fixing of the original code, but generally the first link in the topic contains the current code.
<font color=blue>'Resistance is futile'</font id=blue> |
Average Member
654 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 18:02:14
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>As far as I know, no new mods will make it into the next couple of releases of the forum. The next release should be the non-beta version of 3.1SR3. After that, the focus will be on internationalization and CSS support. Once those are completed and in full release, THEN the new features can be added in.<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
let me know about this, i'd love to help out with the css support. i was thinking of stripping my version down to use only css so i could manipulate it more.
v ø d k â f ï § h |
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