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New Member

79 Posts

Posted - 08 December 2000 :  11:43:17  Show Profile  Visit Bob's Homepage
Changed it and now I am getting

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'count(UserID) Guests'.

/forum/online2.asp, line 76

<b>Bob Smith</b>
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Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 08 December 2000 :  11:44:56  Show Profile
You'll need to change the following as well:

Line # 71

Change from this:

<font size=1><pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSqL = "SELECT count(UserID) Guests "</font id=code></pre id=code></font id=size1>

To this:

<font size=1><pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSqL = "SELECT count(UserID) <font color=red>AS</font id=red> Guests "</font id=code></pre id=code></font id=size1>

Line #85

Change from this:

<font size=1><pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSqL = "SELECT count(UserID) Members "</font id=code></pre id=code></font id=size1>

To this:

<font size=1><pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSqL = "SELECT count(UserID) <font color=red>AS</font id=red> Members "</font id=code></pre id=code></font id=size1>
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New Member

79 Posts

Posted - 08 December 2000 :  12:03:39  Show Profile  Visit Bob's Homepage
Thanks, I tried that before I got your response and it works now.

Many, many thanks! <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

<b>Bob Smith</b>
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Junior Member

191 Posts

Posted - 08 December 2000 :  15:20:38  Show Profile  Visit xMANIGHTx's Homepage
Richard, I have your whos's online mod (the one that shows people names directly in the statistics without going in the detail page of who's on line).
Well it seems that the first time you arrive on the main page, it retains the last logged user even though they're not there actually and it doesn't show you!... when you enter the datail "who's on-line" page, it's ampty, but when u go back to the main page, everything is all right...
It seems like he retains the last data on the DB and doesn't delete it when people got out of the forum and it doesn't put YOU in the DB (and doesn't show you) the first time that you get to main page.... thx again... if u have any cooky idea <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

<img src="" border=0> Distractly yours...
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Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 08 December 2000 :  16:19:57  Show Profile
I believe that HuwR fixed this by adding code on inc_top.asp , you might check with him about it. I did not write this mod, I only modified it a little so that it would work with v3.1 Final and above and I added that little part to show the Member's names on the front page. But I did not modify the code that inserts data into the database and deletes it later. The code that I did modify was to change the expiration to 3 minutes instead of 60 minutes. Before that, members would stay in the database showing them as being online for an hour until it deleted them.

Right now, the code that expires (deletes) members out of the whos_online database is in the online2.asp file , the whos_online.asp file and it's in the the forum.asp file.
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Starting Member

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Posted - 14 December 2000 :  15:23:57  Show Profile
Don't know if this is a typo, but on the who_online.asp when you click on a member it tries to go to member_profile.asp, shouldn't that be pop_profile.asp ?? I don't have a member_profile.asp, so I used pop_profile.asp and everything works out fine for me.

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Senior Member

1094 Posts

Posted - 23 December 2000 :  19:57:58  Show Profile  Visit rick7165's Homepage
I need some help :(
I'm running this forum and need to setup Active users and Online Users... also want something to say how many Registered users there are. I've download the mods and nothing seems to work. I'm running the database in Access 2000 format.

Please email me if you can help


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