Private Message Sound Add On MOD
For Snitz Version 3.3.03
with Private Messages Mod for Snitz Forums v3.3.03
Author: Michael Sperry
Ease of Installation (1-Hard, 10-Easy): 8
Jan 01, 2002
This MOD will add a sound to the default page when the user has a new private message.
The administrator can turn this feature on or off as well as change the sound that is
used. A default GotMail.wav is provided.
Following Files are included in the Zip
Set Up File
This will add two new records to FORUM_CONFIG_NEW in the database
they are:
strPMSound - Used to toggle on/off of the feature.
strSoundFile - Used to hold the location and name of the sound file to use.
Admin File
admin_config_pm.asp - Administration Page
Sound Files
Modified Files (included in zip as a reference)
Changes are marked as below
Version 3.3
Add dbs_activeusers.asp to your forum directory and run setup from admin section
Step 1.
Add all the following files to your forum directory.
Step 1.
Add all the following files to your forum directory.
Step 2.
Find the following statement in config.asp
dim strModeration, strSubscription
Add the following statement Just after the above statement
dim strPMSound, strSoundFile ' ########## PM Sound MOD #############
After addition it will look similar as below:
dim strShowStatistics, strShowImagePoweredBy, strLogonForMail, strShowPaging, strShowTopicNav, strPageSize, strPageNumberSize
dim strNTGroupsSTR
dim strModeration, strSubscription
dim strPMSound, strSoundFile ' ########## PM Sound MOD #############
strCookieURL = Left(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), "/"))
further down in the file, find the following
strSubscription = Application(strCookieURL & "STRSUBSCRIPTION")
Add the following lines just after the above statement
' ######################## PM Sound Mod #######################
strPMSound = Application(strCookieURL & "STRPMSOUND")
strSoundFile = Application(strCookieURL & "STRSOUNDFILE")
' ###########################################################
After addition it will look similar as below:
strAutoLogon = Application(strCookieURL & "STRAUTOLOGON")
strModeration = Application(strCookieURL & "STRMODERATION")
strSubscription = Application(strCookieURL & "STRSUBSCRIPTION")
' ######################## PM Sound Mod #######################
strPMSound = Application(strCookieURL & "STRPMSOUND")
strSoundFile = Application(strCookieURL & "STRSOUNDFILE")
' ###########################################################
if strSecureAdmin = "0" then
Session(strCookieURL & "Approval") = "15916941253"
end if
Step 3.
Find the following lines in pop_config_help.asp
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Screen out words you and your guests would find offensive.
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
Add the following just after the above section
<% ' ############################# PM Sound MOD ################################# %>
<td bgcolor="<% =strCategoryCellColor %>"><a name="PMSound"></a><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strCategoryFontColor %>" ><b>
What is the Private Message Sound Option For?
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Turns On/Off feature that allow users to hear if a new Private Message is waiting for them.
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
<td bgcolor="<% =strCategoryCellColor %>"><a name="soundfile"></a><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strCategoryFontColor %>" ><b>
What's Sound File Location?
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Use a relative path to point to the sound you want heard when a new Private Message has arrived.<br>
For example:<br>
This points to the Gotmail.wav sound in the main forum directory, whereas the following would point to the root of the web server and up into the base /sounds/ directory:<br>
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
<% ' ############################################################################ %>
After addition it will look similar as below:
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Screen out words you and your guests would find offensive.
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
<% ' ############################# PM Sound MOD ################################# %>
<td bgcolor="<% =strCategoryCellColor %>"><a name="PMSound"></a><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strCategoryFontColor %>" ><b>
What is the Private Message Sound Option For?
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Turns On/Off feature that allow users to hear if a new Private Message is waiting for them.
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
<td bgcolor="<% =strCategoryCellColor %>"><a name="soundfile"></a><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strCategoryFontColor %>" ><b>
What's Sound File Location?
<td bgcolor="<% =strForumCellColor %>"><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">
Use a relative path to point to the sound you want heard when a new Private Message has arrived.<br>
For example:<br>
This points to the Gotmail.wav sound in the main forum directory, whereas the following would point to the root of the web server and up into the base /sounds/ directory:<br>
<a href="#top"><img src="icon_go_up.gif" border="0" align="right"></a>
<% ' ############################################################################ %>
<td bgcolor="<% =strCategoryCellColor %>"><a name="columnwidth"></a><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strCategoryFontColor %>" ><b>
How does Column Width Work?
Step 4.
Find the following statement in privatemess.asp
if pmcount = 0 then
Add the following lines just below the Response.Write statement
' ############## PM Sound MOD ############
Session("MM_newmail") = (" ")
' ########################################
further down in the file, find the following
if pmcount >= 1 then
Add the following lines just below the Response.Write statement
' ############## PM Sound MOD ############
if strPMSound = "1" then
if Session("MM_newmail") <> ("x") then %>
<EMBED SRC="<% =strSoundFile %>" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="false" volume="75"></EMBED>
<% Session("MM_newmail") = ("x")
end If
end if
' ########################################
After addition the section will look similar as below:
if pmcount = 0 then
Response.Write " "
' ############## PM Sound MOD ############
Session("MM_newmail") = (" ")
' ########################################
end if
if pmcount >= 1 then
Response.Write "<img src=""icon_pm_new.gif"">"
' ############## PM Sound MOD ############
if strPMSound = "1" then
if Session("MM_newmail") <> ("x") then %>
<EMBED SRC="<% =strSoundFile %>" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="false" volume="75"></EMBED>
<% Session("MM_newmail") = ("x")
end If
end if
' ########################################
end if
Step 5.
Add the following line to admin_home.asp
<LI><a href="admin_config_pm.asp">Private Message Configuration</a></LI> <% ' ####### PM Sound Mod - 1 line ######## %>
I added mine above
<LI><a href="admin_moderators.asp">Moderator Setup</a></LI>
That's All. Have Fun!!!!
Edited by - msperry on 13 January 2002 14:41:03