My first attempt at a mod, so to speak, was more of a copy and paste mod
I don't know if this will be usefull but, just thought I'd share it with u all. It does involve quite a bit of work, editing all the files.
This addon requires the My Personalization Mod 1.3, by Mohammmed Faizul Wahid, which was modified by Kenno (
First off make a backup of all your forum files before continuing, then
Copy the following files to your forum folder,
Create a folder "my_icons" and then add your icons to this folder, and just make
the appropriate changes to the "my_icons.asp"
Modified files, (only replace them if u have not made any changes to these files)
Run the database Setup using Mod Setup in Admin configuration. Select
"My Icons" and click on update.
Open "config.asp"
Around line 71, look for,
dim strVersion, strForumTitle, strCopyright, strTitleImage, strHomeURL, strForumURL, strCookieURL
And Add this code below it,
dim strIconFolder, strIconFolderArchive, strIconFolderArchived, strIconFolderClosedTopic, strIconFolderDelete, strIconFolderHold, strIconFolderHot, strIconFolderLocked, strIconFolderNew, strIconFolderNewHot, strIconFolderModerate, strIconFolderNewLocked, strIconFolderNewTopic, strIconFolderOpen, strIconFolderOpenTopic, strIconFolderPencil, strIconFolderUnlock, strIconFolderUnlocked, strIconFolderUnModerated
Around line 195, look for,
strTitleImage = Application(strCookieURL & "STRTITLEIMAGE")
And Add this code below it,
strIconFolder = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDER")
strIconFolderArchive = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERARCHIVE")
strIconFolderArchived = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERARCHIVED")
strIconFolderClosedTopic = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERCLOSEDTOPIC")
strIconFolderDelete = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERDELETE")
strIconFolderHold = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERHOLD")
strIconFolderHot = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERHOT")
strIconFolderLocked = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERLOCKED")
strIconFolderNew = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERNEW")
strIconFolderNewHot = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERNEWHOT")
strIconFolderModerate = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERMODERATE")
strIconFolderNewLocked = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERNEWLOCKED")
strIconFolderNewTopic = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERNEWTOPIC")
strIconFolderOpen = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDEROPEN")
strIconFolderOpenTopic = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDEROPENTOPIC")
strIconFolderPencil = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERPENCIL")
strIconFolderUnlock = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERUNLOCK")
strIconFolderUnlocked = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERUNLOCKED")
strIconFolderUnModerated = Application(strCookieURL & "STRICONFOLDERUNMODERATED")
Thats it for config.asp
Open "inc_top.asp"
Around line 41, look for:
my_Conn.Open strConnString
<!--#include file="my_theme.asp"-->
Add this code below it,
<!--#include file="my_icons.asp"-->
Thats it for inc_top.asp
Open "my_edit_config.asp"
Around line 138, look for,
Case "ApplyTheme"
strSQL = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "MY_CONFIG SET "
strSQL = strSQL & "THEME_ID='" & Request.QueryString("themeid") & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE MEMBER_ID=" & id
'Response.Write strSQL
<font face="<%=strDefaultFontFace%>" size="<%=strHeaderFontSize%>" color="<%=strDefaultFontColor %>">New theme updated successfully!
<BR><BR><a href="<%=strForumURL%>my.asp">Return to your Personal Page</a>
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3; URL=my_edit_config.asp">
Add this code below it,
Case "ApplyIcon"
strSQL = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "MY_CONFIG SET "
strSQL = strSQL & "ICON_ID='" & Request.QueryString("iconid") & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE MEMBER_ID=" & id
'Response.Write strSQL
<font face="<%=strDefaultFontFace%>" size="<%=strHeaderFontSize%>" color="<%=strDefaultFontColor %>">New icons updated successfully!
<a href="<%=strForumURL%>my.asp">Return to your Personal Page</a>
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3; URL=my_edit_config.asp">
Around line 238, look for,
<!--End code for Change Theme-->
Add this code below it,
<table width="100%">
<td bgcolor="<%=strCategoryCellColor%>" colspan="100%">
<font face="<%=strDefaultFontFace%>" size="<%=strDefaultFontSize%>">
<img src="<% =strIconFolderOpen %>" border="0"> <B>Edit Icons</B></font>
<td align=center>
<font face="<%=strDefaultFontFace%>" size="<%=strDefaultFontSize%>">Currently Using Icons : <B>
<Form method="GET" action="my_edit_config.asp">
<select name="iconid">
<option value="0" <% if objRS("ICON_ID")="0" then Response.Write("selected")%>>Default</option>
<option value="1" <% if objRS("ICON_ID")="1" then Response.Write("selected")%>>Spider Blue Icons</option>
<input type="hidden" name="mode" Value="ApplyIcon">
<input type="submit" value="Apply Icon">
Thats it for my_edit_config.asp
Now the worst part is to edit all the files, to change the images to
the following variables,
icon_folder.gif = <% =strIconFolder %>
icon_folder_archive.gif = <% =strIconFolderArchive %>
icon_folder_archived.gif = <% =strIconFolderArchived %>
icon_folder_closed_topic.gif = <% =strIconFolderClosedTopic %>
icon_folder_delete.gif = <% =strIconFolderDelete %>
icon_folder_hold.gif = <% =strIconFolderHold %>
icon_folder_hot.gif = <% =strIconFolderHot %>
icon_folder_locked.gif = <% =strIconFolderLocked %>
icon_folder_new.gif = <% =strIconFolderNew %>
icon_folder_new_hot.gif = <% =strIconFolderNewHot %>
icon_folder_moderate.gif = <% =strIconFolderModerate %>
icon_folder_new_locked.gif = <% =strIconFolderNewLocked %>
icon_folder_new_topic.gif = <% =strIconFolderNewTopic %>
icon_folder_open.gif = <% =strIconFolderOpen %>
icon_folder_open_topic.gif = <% =strIconFolderOpenTopic %>
icon_folder_pencil.gif = <% =strIconFolderPencil %>
icon_folder_unlock.gif = <% =strIconFolderUnlock %>
icon_folder_unlocked.gif = <% =strIconFolderUnlocked %>
icon_folder_unmoderated.gif = <% =strIconFolderUnModerated %>
If image is located in a response.write statement then change it to,
icon_folder.gif = "& strIconFolder &"
icon_folder_archive.gif = "& strIconFolderArchive &"
icon_folder_archived.gif = "& strIconFolderArchived &"
icon_folder_closed_topic.gif = "& strIconFolderClosedTopic &"
icon_folder_delete.gif = "& strIconFolderDelete &"
icon_folder_hold.gif = "& strIconFolderHold &"
icon_folder_hot.gif = "& strIconFolderHot &"
icon_folder_locked.gif = "& strIconFolderLocked &"
icon_folder_new.gif = "& strIconFolderNew &"
icon_folder_new_hot.gif = "& strIconFolderNewHot &"
icon_folder_moderate.gif = "& strIconFolderModerate &"
icon_folder_new_locked.gif = "& strIconFolderNewLocked &"
icon_folder_new_topic.gif = "& strIconFolderNewTopic &"
icon_folder_open.gif = "& strIconFolderOpen &"
icon_folder_open_topic.gif = "& strIconFolderOpenTopic &"
icon_folder_pencil.gif = "& strIconFolderPencil &"
icon_folder_unlock.gif = "& strIconFolderUnlock &"
icon_folder_unlocked.gif = "& strIconFolderUnlocked &"
icon_folder_unmoderated.gif = "& strIconFolderUnModerated &"
The file can be downloaded here
just look for My Icons