Author: me Download: Download Here For Snitz Version 3.1 version go here NOTE This is for 3.3 only, please do not attempt to fit with an earlier version unless well versed in ASP
Detailed instructions included.
This allows you and your visitors to see who has replied and who has viewed topics.
It places a link on the numbers 'Read' and 'Viewed' - next to each topic. If a person has replied to a post more than once, his/her name will only show up once in the list.
Please note this is NOT compatible with Davios Anonymous access mod without some modification to the code.
Screenshots Below:
To see a Demo go here, go into a forum and check it out for yourself.
If you modified pop_show_replies.asp - you should either un-do them or download and re-install that. That file does not need to be changed at all to be compatible with 3.1
Can you tell me where you changed strActivePrefix to strTablePrefix? the only file you should have changed this in is topic.asp
I dont believe 3.1 has the GetMemberNumber function nor stores the MemberID into a string. Add this to your inc_functions.asp file (if it is not already there)
Set rsGetMemberNumber = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSql, my_Conn
if rsGetMemberNumber.EOF or rsGetMemberNumber.BOF then getMemberNumber = -1 rsGetMemberNumber.close set rsGetMemberNumber = nothing exit function end if
getMemberNumber = rsGetMemberNumber("MEMBER_ID")
rsGetMemberNumber.close set rsGetMemberNumber = nothing end function
And then add the following right before the rest of the code that was added for this mod in Topic.asp