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 Multiple step operation error?
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Posted - 29 August 2001 :  09:02:03  Show Profile  Visit Rigger82's Homepage  Send Rigger82 an AOL message  Send Rigger82 a Yahoo! Message
Ok, trying to insert records into a couple tables in a relational database (SQL Server 2000)

Abbreviated code.

Conn... (SQL Server 2000 Connection)
Rs... (recordset to table 1)
Rs.Open ... (table 1)


rs(field) = request.form(field)


Session(UID) = Rs(UID) (Rs(UID) is a identity field for a user id number)


Rs.. (recordset to table 2)
Rs.Open ... (table 2)


Rs(UID) = Session(UID) (putting the users new id into the next table)
Rs(field2) = Request.form(field2)


Im getting some "OLE Multiple step Operation Error" at what seems is the line where I try to pull the incremented (ID number from rs(UID)) id from the newly created table entry...

Please advise.

Mark Christianson
Gulf War Veteran (82nd Airborne Division)
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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 29 August 2001 :  10:33:47  Show Profile
Here is some info on this error:

Doug G
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Posted - 29 August 2001 :  12:12:15  Show Profile  Visit Rigger82's Homepage  Send Rigger82 an AOL message  Send Rigger82 a Yahoo! Message
Thanks... mine seems related to the following:

The only thing is that Im not specifically telling that identity field WHAT to be... Im only trying to pull the value after the .addnew so I have the value for the other tables...


Mark Christianson
Gulf War Veteran (82nd Airborne Division)
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Posted - 29 August 2001 :  13:15:09  Show Profile  Send cevans an ICQ Message
Is it feasible to move the inserts into a stored procedure?

In the stored procedure, do the insert into the first table. The identity value that was inserted in the database will be contained in the @@identity variable, so you can just go ahead and populate the second table right away using that variable.

The only drawback would be if the tables have a large number of columns. You'd need to pass in a parameter for each one, so the code would get pretty ugly pretty fast if you have a large number of columns.

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Posted - 29 August 2001 :  13:49:49  Show Profile  Visit Rigger82's Homepage  Send Rigger82 an AOL message  Send Rigger82 a Yahoo! Message

Is it feasible to move the inserts into a stored procedure?

In the stored procedure, do the insert into the first table. The identity value that was inserted in the database will be contained in the @@identity variable, so you can just go ahead and populate the second table right away using that variable.

The only drawback would be if the tables have a large number of columns. You'd need to pass in a parameter for each one, so the code would get pretty ugly pretty fast if you have a large number of columns.


New to SQL Server but this sounds like a plan... thanks, I'll give it a shot.

Mark Christianson
Gulf War Veteran (82nd Airborne Division)
Owner/Operator of
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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 30 August 2001 :  00:40:44  Show Profile
Use SELECT @@IDENTITY as NewID right after your insert. This will return the last identity value used by your connection. If you have any triggers that do stuff to other tables, you can get unexpected results though.

You can also SELECT MAX(id) FROM table but it's not multi-user safe unless you're in a transaction.

Doug G
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Posted - 31 August 2001 :  08:22:09  Show Profile  Visit Rigger82's Homepage  Send Rigger82 an AOL message  Send Rigger82 a Yahoo! Message
Just an update: I created a stored proc, learning quite a bit now, it not only does the three table insert with the NewId setup as stated above... It also validates that there is not an existing username in the system... figured out the return values etc... its great and Im learning fast how much you can get done via Stored Procedures.

Thanks for everyones help.

Mark Christianson
Gulf War Veteran (82nd Airborne Division)
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