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 Shipping a VB6/Access 2000 project w/o IE4
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robert a zimmerman
Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 22 August 2001 :  17:14:11  Show Profile
Our company produces a costing software which was designed using VB6 & Access 2000. Unfortunately when users install the project on a Win98 (1st release) machine, they get the message saying that they need to upgrade IE to 4.01 sp2 or higher. We tried to update IE 4.00 to IE 4.01 sp2, but the program still calls for sp2 (!). If we install IE 5, then everything works fine.

As many of our clients have very basic PC skills, we don't want to have to ask them to update IE.

Can someone tell us which files we would need to include with our distribution to update IE 4.00 to 4.01 sp2 that would allow it to work with our software. Alternately, are there IE 5.0 files that we could ship that would solve our



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540 Posts

Posted - 24 August 2001 :  01:19:34  Show Profile
I actually ran into this problem a while back. I work for a company and wrote an add-on to a program that required IE 5.0. After spending the $300 to talk to Microsoft we found that IE 5.0 and above install NEW dlls that VB6 and such really need. IE adds a lot of new functionality that didn't exist before.

The one DLL that I was really having problems with was COMCAT.DLL. I don't know if that will specifically do the trick for you or not, but it's worth a shot. A number of the DLLs are also self-registering, which means you have to copy it to it's necessary location then call
regsvr32 C:\pathToDll\dll.dll
and then when uninstalling you must UNregister this DLL by calling
regsvr32 /u C:\pathToDll\dll.dll

I'm sorry I cannot help you more, but I would just put in the readme or whatever that the program requires Win 98 with IE 5.0 or higher. I think you may be able to download IE 5.0 and package it with your program, but that would be something to ask MS just in case so you don't violate any copyrights. No need to get sued
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robert a zimmerman
Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 26 August 2001 :  01:11:26  Show Profile

I installed and registered a newer COMCAt.DLL, but was still not able to load our application.

Our programmers told me today that they will likely port the application to CodeBase as it supposedly much easier to get working. It's not our preferred course of action, but I don't see much hope for an easy solution using Access.

Thanks again!


>The one DLL that I was really having problems with was COMCAT.DLL. I don't >know if that will specifically do the trick for you or not, but it's worth a >shot. A number of the DLLs are also self-registering, which means you have to >copy it to it's necessary location then call

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