Yes, that's a bug.
In the ChkIsNew() function you will see this bit of codeif rs("T_REPLIES") >= intHotTopicNum and lcase(strHotTopic) = "1" Then
The code in red, isn't being set to True because the variable intHotTopicNum is a text field and you can't do a comparison between an integer "T_REPLIES" and a text field "intHotTopicNum". So you would need to convert "intHotTopicNum" to an integer so the comparison can be made.
There are quite a few places you will need to edit. In forum.asp, line 470 and 475, in the ChkIsNew() function, change it to this(modified code is in red.):Function ChkIsNew(dt)
if ((CheckForUnModeratedPosts("TOPIC", Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID) > 0) and AdminAllowed = 1) or (CheckForUnModeratedPosts("POSTAUTHOR", Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID) > 0) then
if Topic_Status <> 3 then
UnApprovedFound = "Y"
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder_unmoderated.gif' height=15 width=15 border=0 hspace=0 alt='Post(s) Need Approved'>"
elseif Topic_Status = 3 and (AdminAllowed = 1 or rs("T_AUTHOR") = MemberID) then
HeldFound = "Y"
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder_hold.gif' alt='Post is on hold' height=15 width=15 border=0>"
end if
elseif dt > Session(strCookieURL & "last_here_date") then
if rs("T_REPLIES") >= cint(intHotTopicNum) and lcase(strHotTopic) = "1" Then
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder_new_hot.gif' height=15 width=15 border=0 hspace=0 alt='Hot Topic'>"
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder_new.gif' height=15 width=15 border=0 hspace=0 alt='New Topic'>"
end if
elseif rs("T_REPLIES") >= cint(intHotTopicNum) and lcase(strHotTopic) = "1" Then
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder_hot.gif' height=15 width=15 border=0 hspace=0 alt='Hot Topic'>"
ChkIsNew = "<img src='icon_folder.gif' height=15 width=15 border=0 hspace=0>"
end if
End Function
Then in active.asp, lines 408, change it to this(modified code in red):elseif lcase(strHotTopic) = "1" and Topic_Replies >= cint(intHotTopicNum) Then
In pop_profile.asp, lines 259 and 265, change them to this(modified code in red):if rs2("T_REPLIES") >= cint(intHotTopicNum) then
And in inc_functions.asp, in the chkIsNew(fDateTime) function, make the same changes, lines 858 and 864:if rs("T_REPLIES") >= cint(intHotTopicNum) then
That should fix it.
- David