I need help in adding a new field in the FORUM_CONFIG table. I thought I had done it right but the variable won't show up!
1. I manually added a new text field in the table using Access. I called it C_MICHAEL.
2. I filled the new text field with the word "red" without quotes and closed the database.
3. From FrontPage, I opened the /forum/config.asp file in my favorite text editor (EditPad) and added the following lines at the end of where they belong:
---< snip >---
dim strMichael ' ########## My Mod ##########
---< snip >---
' ########## My Mod ##########
strSql = strSql & ", C_MICHAEL"
' ############################
---< snip >---
' ########## My Mod ##########
Application(strCookieURL & "strMichael") = rsConfig("C_MICHAEL")
' ############################
---< snip >---
' ########## My Mod ##########
strMichael = Application(strCookieURL & "strMichael")
' ############################
4. I saved the file, put FrontPage in the foreground so it could update the file.
5. I modified another file with an <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../forum/config.asp" --> and <!--#INCLUDE FILE="../forum/inc_functions.asp" --> in them. I also added my new field in the following format:
but it will not show up! The field <%=strDefaultFont%> works (it returns the value "Verdana") eventhough I can find the field where my new field was added. Did I miss a step here? Please advise.