Here is what I did over at
in post_info.asp
look for:
if Request.Form("Method_Type") = "Topic" then
just below that is this line:
strSql = "SELECT MEMBER_ID, M_LEVEL, M_EMAIL, "&Strdbntsqlname
change it to look like this:
do the same thing just below:
if Request.Form("Method_Type") = "Reply" or Request.Form("Method_Type") = "ReplyQuote" or Request.Form("Method_Type") = "TopicQuote" then
Now go back up to the first section you edited and look for this:
if not(chkForumAccess(Request.Form("FORUM_ID"))) then
Go_Result "You are not allowed to post in this forum !", 0
end if
right below that add:
if rs("M_LASTPOSTDATE") > DateToStr(DateAdd("n",-1,strForumTimeAdjust)) and mLev < 3 then
Go_Result "Sorry! We have flood control activated.<br>You cannot post within 60 seconds of your last post.<br>Please try again after this period of time elapses.", 0
end if
Now do the same thing in the second section that you edited above.
This allows Admins and Moderators to post without the flood control.