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 ASP and Ultradev 4.0
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Posted - 02 July 2001 :  20:56:41  Show Profile  Send mafifi an ICQ Message
I have been designing ASP application for a few years and on a scale from 1 to 5, I consider my self to be somewhere around three. Does it worth it to invest in Ultradev 4.0 + Books + Learning Curve? Will that produce a better code faster? Any recommendations for a good UD book?



big brother
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Posted - 03 July 2001 :  09:09:59  Show Profile
my suggestion would be... yes use ultradev 4.0.

as long as you have a basic knowledge of dreamweaver and asp you will be fine just do the walk through.

does have a few problems but nothing that cannot be solved.

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Posted - 04 July 2001 :  18:55:03  Show Profile  Visit Technical's Homepage
I have used primarily Ultradev for Asp and Cold Fusion development since version 1. In general is does an acceptable job but due to the round trip html capability, sometimes it takes and incredible amount of time to parse the Asp pages especially when their are Asp file includes. Because it is not opening one file but EVERY included file too! By this I mean some files take close to ten to twenty second after clicking to open because Ultradev is trying to parse the graphical representation. One strategy i use is to add an extra dash to change the includes to comments and then remove them after you finish all your page coding.

Occassionally, I get a file that just has too much and it just crashes or locks up Ultradev. So although I have and continue to do the majority of my medium level asp coding in Ultradev I recently got Aspedit 2001 for the heavy web application oriented stuff. It has a lot of nice features that make asp development easier. As I have used Cold Fusion studio and this is something similar for Asp with tag libraries and so forth.

Ultradev handles establishing database connections, page record sets, and simple queries very well. Its much faster than hand coding, after you muddle through it one or twice. And when something complicated is needed simply go to the code window and put it in yourself. The live data view is fantastic for seeing whther your query works on this page RIGHT NOW, not after uploading. As for an ultradev book, hmm thats difficult, find someone with your learning style and ask what they used. For me concrete examples through tutorials from begining to end enabled me to learn the interface and process. But I haven't seen a book that has made me plunk down fifty or sixty bucks yet, even after sitting on Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstore and reading through them.

But there are alot of new Ultradev sites that are extremelty helpful -without the cost.

Hope that helps!

Edited by - Technical on 05 July 2001 09:18:48
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Posted - 04 July 2001 :  19:06:12  Show Profile  Send mafifi an ICQ Message

Thanks for the in-depth view on the subject. I needed something to do this holiday week other than going to the beach or watching the fire works, so I bought "Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 - The Complete Reference" for $49.99. I'm the only one from a team of four developers who still uses Homesite for everything and all the others are using UD 4. So, if I like the book maybe I'll add UD to my arsenal, but definitely I will look into aspedit.



Edited by - mafifi on 04 July 2001 19:07:12
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Posted - 04 July 2001 :  19:27:06  Show Profile  Visit RDoGG™'s Homepage  Send RDoGG™ an AOL message  Send RDoGG™ a Yahoo! Message

Aspedit 2001

the link doesn't work

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Posted - 04 July 2001 :  19:29:03  Show Profile  Visit RDoGG™'s Homepage  Send RDoGG™ an AOL message  Send RDoGG™ a Yahoo! Message
the company behind ASPEdit (Tashcom Software) is giving me a 404 error as well.

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Posted - 04 July 2001 :  19:29:48  Show Profile  Visit RDoGG™'s Homepage  Send RDoGG™ an AOL message  Send RDoGG™ a Yahoo! Message

the company behind ASPEdit (Tashcom Software) is giving me a 404 error as well.

RDoGG™ is working, but links to don't work.

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Posted - 05 July 2001 :  09:16:38  Show Profile  Visit Technical's Homepage
I'm glad it helped. Let me know if you like the book.

I realized the mistake in the link earlier this morning, but I see someone figured it out!

Here's a cut and paste of the feature list in case anyone, still has problem getting to the site. The trial gives you 50 trial runs more than enough to determine if its worth your money or not.

Supports ASP, ASP+, vAsp, C#, Visual Basic Script, Perl, IHTML, Webtv, Cold-fusion, PHP3, MIVA ,HDML, JavaScript, JSP, CSS, SQL, ASP, WAP/WML.
Runs under windows 95/98/NT and Windows 2000
Html 2/3/4 & Dhtml support
Active Server Pages support (ASP)
Cold fusion support
Visual Basic support
PERL/CGI support
Miva support
PHP Support
Wap/Wml & HDML support
SQL commands supported
Link and Document validation
Style Sheet editor (Topstyle from Bradbury Software), click here for more info.
ADO connection wizard.
SQL Query generator wizard.
Document structure wizard.
User defined tags support.
Code Snippets support.
Comprehensive file and document manager (statistics etc.).
Sample and demo code (ASP/VBScript/JavaScript and perl)
Ability to open files directly on internet.
Direct editing of ASP properties on web server (registry).
Code Completion
Export to RTF Format
Export / Import configuration data
Export as mac or unix file
Available on cdrom
Support for Tidy
AD Rotator management tool
Function and sub explorer (find functions quick in your sources)
Internal document preview
Save selected text-block as separate file.
Custom dialup manager
Block, line and column selection tools.

Smart assistant who guides and helps.
Source beautifier (indents ASP & HTML code).
Internal browser which displays work in several resolutions.
Make VbScript functions from selected text in document.
SQL and Active Server Pages FAQ sheet.
SQL and Active Server Pages course.
Support for Microsoft's encryption tool.
Smart insert support for Perl.
Smart insert support for Html.
FrontPage's Webbot support.
Fast tag access via menu bar and/or pull down menu's
Html file compressor.
Gif file optimizer.
Auto save documents
Meta tag generator wizard
Multi language interface
Dutch, Chinese, English & Italian at present
FrontPage external editor support
Favorite files option
Perl command wizards
Cold Fusion mail wizard
Ability to print colorized content to color printers
Save documents on enter
Drag 'n Paste
Convert tabs to spaces
Frontpage WebBot support
Full! JavaScript support
Internal Version Control Manager
Convert selected text to Perl
Block indent, block un-indent Support.
Compress html files, less space on server, faster loading times!.
Past as table feature, paste data straight into table format, easy huh!
Code explorer
ASP and ASP+ Code completion proposal.
ASP+ advertisement rotation builder.

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Junior Member

308 Posts

Posted - 05 July 2001 :  12:15:36  Show Profile  Send mafifi an ICQ Message
EasyASP is almost free


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