I am not getting any errors but I do not see any images. I have uploaded them to the root with all the asp files and here is my code placed right after the "Reply to topic" code... src="icon_reply_topic.gif" height=15 width=15 alt="Reply with Quote" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6"></a> <%end if %> in the topic.asp file and before the <%if (strIPLogging = "1") then %> line...
dim rsOnlineMember set rsOnlineMember = my_Conn.Execute (strOnlineSql) If rsOnlineMember.EOF or rsOnlineMember.BOF then %> <img src="icon_offline.gif" width="42" height="16"> <% Else %> <img src="icon_online.gif" width="42" height="16"> <% end if %> <% set rsOnlineMember = nothing %>
Here is my site...on the really slow brinkster server...Am I pasting the code in the wrong spot?
That's what I figured. I'm doing that as we speak. There just seems to be so many changes and additions that I don't know where to get the most recent stable version.
OK Big9erfan...I have the Active Users Mod installed (with IP viewing) and I have made your adjustments from another Topic for the duplicate IP's. This is all working great!
The online/offline is not working properly though. I only have an offline icon showing even when I am logged in as a Member or Admin. Any ideas?
sorry for not answering earlier (i was gone for 3 weeks) but, you may have the MOD that Alan (AZNknight) created that gave the Admin invisibility. that could be the problem.