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 MSN Messenger embed
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Posted - 28 June 2001 :  11:37:27  Show Profile  Visit dotcomlarry's Homepage  Send dotcomlarry an AOL message
I saw a related item floating around, but never could find an answer... Does anyone know the code or URL for help on how to embed the Messenger list/Hotmail onto a website? I've seen a few websites that do this, but never could figure out how they did it.

I saw something about it having to do with Digital Dashboard, but poked around in MSDN and couldnt' find it.

Can anyone help?

Larry Tomlinson
"Quotes are for those without originality"

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 28 June 2001 :  12:41:58  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
you need to speak with Richard, he has a nice mod in the pipeline for this

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Posted - 28 June 2001 :  12:45:12  Show Profile  Visit tilttek's Homepage

I saw a related item floating around, but never could find an answer... Does anyone know the code or URL for help on how to embed the Messenger list/Hotmail onto a website? I've seen a few websites that do this, but never could figure out how they did it.

Where did you see this? Maybe it will help us find a solution.

Philippe Gamache
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Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 28 June 2001 :  13:29:54  Show Profile
Y'all can see it here:

Here is the message with a download link and the intall instructions:
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 28 June 2001 :  13:43:02  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
A note of caution, when I installed this on my forum, it broke the sliding menu, it would not display until I removed the MOD.

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Posted - 28 June 2001 :  13:46:01  Show Profile  Visit Syedur's Homepage  Send Syedur an AOL message  Send Syedur an ICQ Message  Send Syedur a Yahoo! Message
Um... I thought you were talking about MSN Messanger buddy list on the web page...
This is IE only.

There is a time in every man’s education when he arrivers at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide.
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Posted - 28 June 2001 :  13:50:33  Show Profile  Visit Syedur's Homepage  Send Syedur an AOL message  Send Syedur an ICQ Message  Send Syedur a Yahoo! Message
Another note...
It will cause Netscape 4 to crash constantly.
And will show nothing on Netscape 6.

There is a time in every man’s education when he arrivers at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide.
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Posted - 29 June 2001 :  09:13:46  Show Profile  Visit dotcomlarry's Homepage  Send dotcomlarry an AOL message
Thanks to those who responded... I didn't mean it to be a mod to the forum, but rather just to put on a website. Thanks.

Larry Tomlinson
"Quotes are for those without originality"
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Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 29 June 2001 :  21:44:18  Show Profile
Actually the only thing that it's getting from the forum is the font and table colors, if you code those manually you'll be able to use it anywhere on your website.
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Average Member

United Kingdom
561 Posts

Posted - 30 June 2001 :  14:11:10  Show Profile  Visit stuF's Homepage
richrnd, i was wondering how difficult would it be to change the color of the msn person icon for when the person isnt logged in so that if a person viists my site, they see the red man when logged out, and a green one when logged in. Ive used this mod on my.asp as it takes up a lot of space on default.asp if a lto of freidns are online. Im hopingto be able to edit the code to add it to the pager though.

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