Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 24 June 2001 : 11:15:42
Hi Even after converting the db to access 2000, I still keep getting the following messages. Any ideas? Thank you. Toby
File Attachment Mod
Creating table(s)... CREATE TABLE FORUM_USERFILES( F_FILEID int COUNTER NOT NULL , MEMBER_ID int NOT NULL , F_FILENAME text (255) NOT NULL , F_FILESIZE int NULL , F_REPLY_ID int NULL , F_TOPIC_ID int NULL ) -2147217900 | [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntaxfehler in CREATE TABLE-Anweisung.
Adding Column... ALTER TABLE FORUM_MEMBERS ADD COLUMN M_ALLOWDOWNLOADS int NULL DEFAULT 1 -2147217900 | [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntaxfehler in ALTER TABLE-Anweisung. Adding Column... ALTER TABLE FORUM_MEMBERS ADD COLUMN M_ALLOWUPLOADS int NULL DEFAULT 1 -2147217900 | [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntaxfehler in ALTER TABLE-Anweisung. Table(s) updated
Updating Forum Values.. DELETE FROM FORUM_MODS WHERE (M_NAME = 'Attachment' OR M_CODE = 'Attachment') -2147217865 | [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Das Microsoft Jet-Datenbankmodul findet die Eingangstabelle oder Abfrage 'FORUM_MODS' nicht. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie existiert und der Name richtig eingegeben wurde.
Adding new records.. INSERT INTO FORUM_MODS (M_NAME,M_CODE,M_VALUE) VALUES ('Attachment','faMaxSize','512') INSERT INTO FORUM_MODS (M_NAME,M_CODE,M_VALUE) VALUES ('Attachment','faExtensions','.zip:.mdb:.txt:.asp') INSERT INTO FORUM_MODS (M_NAME,M_CODE,M_VALUE) VALUES ('HModEnable','Attachment','1') -2147217865 | [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Ausgabetabelle 'FORUM_MODS' nicht gefunden.