Here is the code: ________________________________________________________________________________ 421 end if 422 else 423 Response.Write " " & vbcrlf 424 end if 425 end sub 426 sub ForumAdminOptions() 427 if (mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(rsForum("FORUM_ID"), 428 strDBNTUserName) = "1") or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") then 429 if rsForum("F_TYPE") = 0 then 430 if rs("CAT_STATUS") = 0 then 431 if (mlev = 4) then 432 %> ________________________________________________________________________________
Line 431 is looking for an a user of Admin level... After that it "Looks" (From the code I see) like it's spitting out some HTML and then does an
<%end if%>
at some point. It's this end if that appears to be missing. I'd look in my default.asp to see if I had the same problem, but our line numbers wont match at all cuz I've seriously rewritten default.asp in order to integrate with my primary website. I betcha one of the forum admin's will know this answer in a heartbeat...