If you have a fpdb directory then that is were the database goes. Just create a forum directory for the other files Open the config.asp file in a text-editor (not Frontpage !) before you upload it If you use Access uncomment the strDBType = "access" line and the strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/fpdb/snitz_forums_2000.mdb") '## MS Access 97 using virtual path line. You might need to change the /fpdb/snitz_forums_2000.mdb part though depending on what the virtual path to your fpdb directory is.
quote: Do I need to verify the database connection in FrontPage before I upload?
If you use Frontpage 2000 then just importing the file will do, it will ask you if it should put it in fpdb, you accept and you are ok. It also asks if it should create a DSN for you, that is OK also, but you won't be using it.