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 Duplicate output destination error...
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Posted - 04 June 2001 :  15:35:06  Show Profile
this is the error message i receive....
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Duplicate output destination 'FORUM_FORUM.F_STATUS'.

/programming/crm/forum/default.asp, line 148

anybody have a guess what's causing it?

Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 04 June 2001 :  17:05:22  Show Profile
Did you open or otherwise do anything to your database file? The error sounds like you either altered the db or possibly you have a corrupted db. Did it work and then quit, or never has worked right?

Doug G
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Posted - 04 June 2001 :  19:00:58  Show Profile
it worked and then stopped working. I tried wiping the database clean, starting over with a new db but still get the error message.

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2 Posts

Posted - 05 June 2001 :  16:16:47  Show Profile
I get a very similar error msg. I have it working on one server but not anouther.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Duplicate output destination 'FORUM_FORUM.F_STATUS'.

/adialogue/forum/Default.asp, line 183

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Posted - 06 June 2001 :  08:05:05  Show Profile
As I continue to look at this problem I am nearly convinced that it is the version of the ODBC Jet driver on the offending server.

If we find out what version works, and what version does not work and why anyone would have an old version on their NT box, I'll post that info.

If any one knows anything about how this forum works with various versions of the ODBC Jet Driver, we would appreciate that infomation.

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Starting Member

4 Posts

Posted - 06 June 2001 :  08:05:12  Show Profile
As I continue to look at this problem I am nearly convinced that it is the version of the ODBC Jet driver on the offending server.

If we find out what version works, and what version does not work and why anyone would have an old version on their NT box, I'll post that info.

If any one knows anything about how this forum works with various versions of the ODBC Jet Driver, we would appreciate that infomation.

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