Although I set the date format as "31 Dec 2000 (UK med)" from the "Admin Section", I saw that the date format had mixed as "Dec 31 2000 (US med)"
It is strange because I can see that Forum displays my last visit as "04 April 2001" instead of 06 June 2001. But also it displays the date of a newly written message in a correct date formatting and value. i.e. For a message that had been written today, was shown as 06 June 2001.
When I hit the "Active Topics" link, it shows my last visit date as "06 April 2001 17:21:23", Although I had visited the site today at 17:21:23.
So please show me the way to solve the problem!
Looking forward to hearing from you
Note: Another info that I would like to have is: How can I learn the exact patched version of my forum that I installed at ?