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Posted - 01 June 2001 :  16:11:09  Show Profile  Visit semifamous's Homepage  Send semifamous an ICQ Message
can I get someone to translate this? If I give you the English, can someone give me the .asp?

1. If the Event's end_date is 7 days ago or more, then delete event from database.

2. if event start_date is in the past, then say "This event already happened. Please try again" or something like that.

I'm learning, and I might have this figured out for myself in a week or so, but if someone can coach me a little, that'd be cool.

Thanks again. (This is my favorite mod of all the ones that I'm using.)


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1373 Posts

Posted - 04 June 2001 :  14:24:51  Show Profile  Send Aznknight an AOL message  Send Aznknight an ICQ Message

can I get someone to translate this? If I give you the English, can someone give me the .asp?

I haven't been around for several days. Thanks for the patience here you go.


1. If the Event's end_date is 7 days ago or more, then delete event from database.

'Delete messages past 30 days old
strEventsDays = datetostr(dateAdd("d",-7,strForumTimeAdjust))

SQL = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "EVENTS WHERE END_DATE < '" & strEventsDays & "'"
my_Conn.Execute SQL


2. if event start_date is in the past, then say "This event already happened. Please try again" or something like that.

I don't quite get this one.

- Alan
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Posted - 04 June 2001 :  14:41:14  Show Profile  Visit semifamous's Homepage  Send semifamous an ICQ Message
WOOHOO! (You rock, man!)


Just making sure, but this looks like I can put it anywhere, right? If I put it in events.asp under the first includes, it should do its job.


2. If someone tries to add an event that alraedy happened, instead of adding the event, say "Nobody cares about something that already happened. Post a future event."

Edited by - semifamous on 04 June 2001 15:05:41
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United Arab Emirates
40 Posts

Posted - 22 July 2001 :  05:04:25  Show Profile  Visit Man[0]War's Homepage  Send Man[0]War an ICQ Message
I am able to view the calender, but unable to see the upcoming events, nor am I able to add/edit events. Below is the error message I get. What could possibly be the problem?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '5'.

/server/forum/events_functions.asp, line 905
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