Well, If I'm not wrong you didn't get it yet. They are in inc_top.asp.
Find the codes similar to the following (search "refresh"). Each one redirects to self but you can change them to whatever you like (i.e. replace current URL tag with URL="mylogin.asp").
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=<% =Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %>">
What you should do is I think:
1. Make a copy of inc_top.asp to a file (say) mylogin.asp. From this page delete all contents, and put your contents. Don't delete necessary DB related lines. It will also be usefull to keep (somehow) home/profile/register/FAQ menu items. Keep the login button, change the related refresh URL to default.asp, but delete Logout button related code.
2. In inc_top.asp, delete login button related code. Leave the logout button as it is and change the redirect to mylogin.asp.
It took me a lot of hours to do a similar thing, but with frames. You may have a look at my Snitz Powered Virtual Istanbul Museum site (on production) http://www.istanbulmuzesi.org/default1.asp. Try it twice. I have a redirection code to a park page, to keep novices away.
If you like I can send you the related code (e-mail me).
Think Pink
Edited by - bozden on 31 May 2001 18:59:36