I installed the email notifaction mod and whenever i go to it in the admin options it takes me back to the log in screen then once i login as admin again it takes me back to admin_home. Does any1 know whats wrong?
From what you described it doesn't sound like anything is wrong. If you click the Admin Options link, it will ask you for the admin username and password. After submitting that, you go into the admin_home.
If you don't do anything for 20 minutes (default) your session will be destroyed and you will have to login again.
I guess i explained it wrong. When i go to admin options and click on the link to go to the email notifaction config it takes me back to the login screen. When i login I go back to the main admin_options. Shouldn't i be taken to an email notifaction configuraction thing?
Are you talking about the Report to Moderator Mod? If so, I have the same problem. After the admin_mod_dbsetup is run, it takes me to the admin login window.
i'm not sure what mod it is it came in a zip file with a bunch of other mods. It's just called email notifaction mod i guess. Anyways it doesn't matter anymore i have my forums workin just the way i want them so i'm gonna leave them alone before i screw up again