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 post.asp confusion.
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1004 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  14:17:00  Show Profile  Visit Azaniah's Homepage

Can someone smarter than I help me out. I'm trying to edit the post.asp file. No matter what changes I make, even if it is just to add a comment, the post.asp file appears to not like it and initially gives me a

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0400)
Expected statement
/test8/snitz/post.asp, line 169, column 7
end if end if

If I fix this, just by adding some line returns it then moans about something else.

What I fail to understand is why this is the case. The file is fine if I do no touch it, and when I do refuses to work.

Anyone, anywhere got any ideas?

Thanks Az

Eagles fly!, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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Posted - 27 May 2001 :  15:04:50  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
Try uploading a fresh version of post.asp from the zip-file, even if you didn't tough it, it might have got corrupted while you uploaded it.

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Senior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 27 May 2001 :  15:22:59  Show Profile  Visit Azaniah's Homepage
I did try that.

I also did a search for post.asp and found a link to a zip of just that file but that seems to do the same thing.

If you have a nice clean post.asp in a zip of the 3.1sr4 I would be grateful

Thanks Az

Eagles fly!, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  15:47:40  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
I don't have one better than the one that is in the zip-file you can download from the site here, because that one should be ok.

What I don't get is that line-number, I looked at post.asp but couldn't find an end-statement anywhere near that line.

Do you have an url so we can have a look ?

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Senior Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 27 May 2001 :  16:00:15  Show Profile  Visit Azaniah's Homepage
That's what I find odd...

Line 169 is this...

document.PostTopic.AuthUsers.options[pos-1].value = document.PostTopic.AuthUsersCombo.options[count].value;

and yet after I amend anything, of even just resaved out the file then it's something completely different.

Thanks Az

Eagles fly!, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1004 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  16:11:43  Show Profile  Visit Azaniah's Homepage

Well that wasn't the correct line 169 but none the less it's not what it is complaining about.

After downloading the source again I still had the problem.

I normally use NoteTab Lite for editing, but as a last resort I opened the file in wordpad saved it out where it gave me a "this will remove all formating message" and now all seems to be .... so far...

Might be something to look at in the 3.1sr4 code ....

Thanks Az

Eagles fly!, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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