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 Listing of what each .asp page does?
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Junior Member

144 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2001 :  13:31:50  Show Profile  Visit mfindlay's Homepage
Is there a listing on this site, or a document that describes what each .asp page in the Snitz system does and what it's context within the system is?

Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2001 :  13:44:04  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
As far as I know there is no such list.
The names of the files say a lot:

inc_ always is included in another file
inc_functions.asp the second most important include file
admin_ are admin only files
default.asp the startpage
forum.asp lists all topics in a forum
topic.asp shows a single topic
post.asp creates topics, replies, forums, categories
post_info.asp does the actual saving of topic, reply, forum, category
active.asp shows topics active since last visit
config.asp the only file you need to edit to setup the forum

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Junior Member

144 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2001 :  13:51:59  Show Profile  Visit mfindlay's Homepage

As far as I know there is no such list.
The names of the files say a lot:

inc_ always is included in another file
inc_functions.asp the second most important include file
admin_ are admin only files
default.asp the startpage
forum.asp lists all topics in a forum
topic.asp shows a single topic
post.asp creates topics, replies, forums, categories
post_info.asp does the actual saving of topic, reply, forum, category
active.asp shows topics active since last visit
config.asp the only file you need to edit to setup the forum

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Thanks! Even that is a good start!

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Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 26 May 2001 :  13:55:48  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
You're welcome.
If you run into codeparts that you don't understand, just post a new topic for each question here at the forums.
(one question per topic instead of i.e. keeping on replying to this topic once you have another question makes it easier for others to understand the question and read along)

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