My error, Huw is right, C_STRMOVENOTIFY shouldn't be in FORUM_TOPIC
If you allready have upgraded, please remove the field from FORUM_TOPIC
If you are using the Access database, or installed a fresh SQL Server/MySql database, you only have to edit post_info.asp (see below).
If you haven't allready upgraded and are planning to upgrade, change these lines in SETUP.ASP before upgrading (starting line: 1614):
NewColumns5(8, Prefix) = strTablePrefix
NewColumns5(8, FieldName) = "C_STRMOVENOTIFY"
NewColumns5(8, TableName) = "TOPICS"
NewColumns5(8, DataType_Access) = "SMALLINT"
NewColumns5(8, DataType_SQL6) = "SMALLINT"
NewColumns5(8, DataType_SQL7) = "SMALLINT"
NewColumns5(8, DataType_MySQL) = "SMALLINT"
NewColumns5(8, ConstraintAccess) = "NOT NULL"
NewColumns5(8, ConstraintSQL6) = "NOT NULL CONSTRAINT " & strTablePrefix & "SnitzC1030 DEFAULT 1"
NewColumns5(8, ConstraintSQL7) = "NOT NULL CONSTRAINT " & strTablePrefix & "SnitzC1030 DEFAULT 1"
NewColumns5(8, ConstraintMySQL) = "DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL"
Though that still will add the field, that doesn't matter, we'll remove it with the next upgrade.
To get rid of the errormessage:
Edit post_info.asp by modifying the SQL statement starting line 627:
'## Forum_SQL - Add new post to Topics Table
strSql = "INSERT INTO " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS (FORUM_ID"
strSql = strSql & ", CAT_ID"
strSql = strSql & ", T_SUBJECT"
strSql = strSql & ", T_MESSAGE"
strSql = strSql & ", T_AUTHOR"
strSql = strSql & ", T_LAST_POST"
strSql = strSql & ", T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR"
strSql = strSql & ", T_DATE"
strSql = strSql & ", T_STATUS"
if strIPLogging <> "0" then
strSql = strSql & ", T_IP"
end if
strSql = strSql & ", T_ARCHIVE_FLAG"
strSql = strSql & ", C_STRMOVENOTIFY"
strSql = strSql & ") VALUES ("
strSql = strSql & Forum_ID
strSql = strSql & ", " & Cat_ID
strSql = strSql & ", '" & txtSubject & "'"
strSql = strSql & ", '" & txtMessage & "'"
strSql = strSql & ", " & rs("MEMBER_ID")
strSql = strSql & ", '" & DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) & "'"
strSql = strSql & ", " & rs("MEMBER_ID")
strSql = strSql & ", '" & DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) & "'"
if Request.Form("lock") = 1 then
strSql = strSql & ", 0 "
if Moderation = "Yes" then
strSql = strSql & ", 2 "
strSql = strSql & ", 1 "
end if
end if
if strIPLogging <> "0" then
strSql = strSql & ", '" & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & "'"
end if
strSql = strSql & ", 1 "
strSql = strSql & ", 1 "
strSql = strSql & ")"
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